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The integrated system of access to presses allows to establish total control of the systems to which it is connected, allowing to keep the parameters and configurations in order. It is a system based on RFID electronic keys that allow access to different user levels (groups or people), such as: Production, Plant Engineering, Maintenance and Tooling, which guarantees the stability of the process and the quality of the products. In addition, a history of modifications with date, time and user is stored, to achieve total control of the system.

Vangard Press generates customized production reports based on a format designed for each client, allowing detailed shift closings to be performed automatically without user intervention, which are stored and always ready to send.

  • STABILITY OF THE PROCESS. Different functions are granted by user level, preventing access to any unauthorized person.
  • CONTROL OF PROCESS INFORMATION. Login history and parameter changes made by each user.
  • LOWERING QUALITY COSTS. Immediate detection of quality problems.